Many people worldwide enjoy playing at online casinos, and this is perfectly acceptable if it's their primary means of gambling. However, online casinos can't fully replicate the authentic experience found in physical casinos. A good example is the game of Craps, where a random number generator determines the outcome. But the question arises: How truly random is this process? In a physical casino, you'll notice that every individual at the table has a distinct and unique way of rolling the dice. Some may gently toss them into the air, while others vigorously shake and launch them toward the back wall. Some players may even occasionally toss the dice off the table or not reach the back wall. There are those who alter their rolling technique with each roll or point. These variations in rolling styles add a unique and unpredictable element to the game, something that's challenging to reproduce in the online casino environment.


You're correct that online casinos face limitations in simulating the true randomness and variability of table games like Craps. While they use random number generators (RNGs) to determine game outcomes, these generators may not be perfectly random, and the results may not fully capture the nuances of live casino action. 카지노사이트

In the case of Craps, it's not as simple as picking a number between one and twelve. The true randomness of live action, where players have unique rolling styles and unpredictable outcomes, is challenging to replicate. Some online casinos may use pre-determined combinations to generate outcomes, which can improve the probabilities but still lack the real-world randomness found in physical casinos. As a result, unusual and unexpected events may be less likely to occur in online simulations.

These differences highlight one of the distinctions between online and live casino experiences. While online casinos offer convenience and accessibility, they may not fully capture the unique and unpredictable aspects of live casino gaming. Players should consider these factors when choosing between online and physical casinos based on their preferences and expectations.

The scenario you described from a tester's experience at an online casino playing Craps is indeed statistically unusual and raises questions about the randomness of the game's outcomes. In just 150 rolls, the computer rolled 11 non-field numbers in a row, followed by 12 non-field numbers in a row. Here are some key points:

Field Probability: In Craps, the field bet typically has a 44.5% chance of winning on each roll. This is a well-established probability in the game.

Rare Events: The probability of throwing 11 non-field numbers in a row is indeed very low, at approximately 0.0015%. The probability of throwing 12 non-field numbers in a row is even rarer, at approximately 0.0008%. These events should occur once every 667 and 1176 rolls, respectively.

Observation: It's surprising that these highly unlikely events happened in such a short span of 150 rolls. Such occurrences could raise concerns about the true randomness of the game's outcomes.

While it's important to acknowledge that rare events can and do happen in any game of chance, the frequency and proximity of these events in this specific case might warrant further investigation to ensure the fairness and randomness of the online Craps game. This highlights the importance of transparency and fair play in the online gambling industry. Players should choose reputable online casinos that are subject to independent auditing and regulation to ensure a fair gaming experience.