"I'm young, but I'm in my 3rd life, and I'm getting married next January."

'Fencing legend' Nam Hyun-hee (43, head of Nam Hyun-hee Fencing Academy and director of the Korea Sports Federation) has confirmed her remarriage to '15 years younger businessman' Jeon Cheong-jo (27).

Nam announced the news of her divorce and the start of her new love in August on her social networking service (SNS). She introduced him as "a person who gives true and blind love.

The person behind the veil has been revealed. On January 9, Jeon, a third-generation chaebol, visited Nam Hyun-hee's fencing club in Jagok-dong, Gangnam, Seoul, for a one-point lesson.

Accompanied by a bodyguard, Jeon complained that his knees, which were injured during his time as an equestrian, were sore, and Nam Hyun-hee, a former athlete who had undergone surgery on both knees, treated him kindly. Jeon fell in love with Nam's kind and professional demeanor, and after the first day of training, she invited the students to eat at a pizzeria, where they quickly bonded. Despite meeting for the first time, the two sat separately and swapped stories. "He looked me in the eye and talked to me," says Nam. I liked that she looked at me as I was." During their second lesson, Mr. Jeon offered her a fencing business that she couldn't refuse. They became business and life partners. Rumors began to circulate in the fencing world about the "third-generation chaebol CEO in a suit with Nam Hyun-hee," and there were even stories that the former CEO wanted to invest 3 billion won in fencing.


As they went through various difficult situations before and after their divorce, their relationship deepened. Nam Hyun-hee is called 'Mr. Jeon' and Jeon is called 'Hyun-hee'. When her mother decided to remarry a man 15 years her junior, she burst into tears, but eventually opened her heart to Mr. Jeon's persuasion as he knelt down and spoke from the bottom of his heart. Nam Hyun-hee said, "My mom told me to just go to the U.S. She said, 'I don't want my daughter to be in the media,' and I didn't know what to do. I hugged her, soothed her, and got down on my knees and said, 'Please let me meet her. I love you so much,' and I fell in love with that kind of manliness. He's a sincere person," she said. "He works professionally and has the ability to fake anything. He has the 'charm' and 'magic' that even the mothers at the fencing academy rely on. He knows how to move people." 온라인카지노

"I hear that a lot," said Nam Hyun-hee when asked about her resemblance after her first interview photo was released on the 23rd. "They say we have the same voice and look alike. Our work patterns are similar, and we're both proud," he said. "They are equally proud and fight a lot," he laughed. "He's younger, but he already has everything. We jokingly say he's like 'third in line'. He knows everything about IT, he's very well-informed, but what really attracted me to him is that he knows how to move people." "She has the ability to ask for things and make people follow through. She helps me and fills in the gaps. My mom loves him now, my family loves him now." The divorce was finalized in early July, and the couple took a family vacation to Da Nang, garnering support from family members and their 11-year-old daughter, Gong Hai.

The former representative, who was raised by her grandmother instead of her busy parents, and Nam Hyun-hee, who was lonely and unable to find a best friend in the cold world of competition. "I've been fencing for a long time, and I had many older sisters and juniors, but no friends. I was training with seniors who were eight or nine years older than me and juniors who were 14 years younger than me, so I didn't really have any close friends. The former president came to learn fencing and wanted to get to know me, and he was so nice. He communicated with my family, coaches, students, and parents, and really helped me emotionally and financially. When I asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?" he said he just wanted to be friends. It took a few months for me to let go, but once we started talking to each other, we quickly grew closer. He's 15 years younger than me, but he has a mature mind and heart, and he knows everything. I gained a lot of strength from meeting him after the moment when I wanted to die."

The former CEO, who is known to be a third-generation chaebol wealthy family member, personally purchased luxury T-shirts and sneakers for Nam Hyun-hee's fencing club leaders, paid their salaries, and often surprised Nam Hyun-hee and her daughter Hai with gifts. "When we were friends after my divorce, he asked me if I wanted to live alone. He asked me if I wanted to live alone, and I told him I couldn't live alone. 'You have to have a husband. Of course, I can't meet just anyone, but my daughter Hai needs a home and a father,' I said. I think he saw a 'possibility' there," she laughs. "I thought I was lucky to have a 'capable friend' with a lot of money, but I didn't think he would be my husband." Nam Hyun-hee said, "I don't want to enjoy a rich movie. However, since we were friends, he told me that I shouldn't walk around with my head down when I've done great things for the national team for 26 years, and that I should walk around with my shoulders open and proud," she said.

Even after marriage, Nam plans to continue her fencing academy business. "When we went from business partners to lovers, some people told me to stop making money and take a break. But for me, the fencing academy is important even if it doesn't make a lot of money. My dream is to build a 100-year fencing academy. There are so many things I want to do, such as expanding fencing, training juniors, and creating jobs for coaches," he continued. "Of course, we also have plans to expand our business together in the future. We have plans to utilize two floors of a building owned by the former CEO, one floor for the Nam Hyun-hee Fencing Academy and one floor for the International Fencing Academy to train students preparing to study in the United States."

Soon after the news of Nam's decision to remarry broke, the online public opinion heated up. The focus was on the question, "Who is the chaebol third generation who is remarrying Nam Hyun-hee? Mr. Jeon, the 'prospective groom,' said, "This reaction was expected when I decided to do the interview. I thought I would be targeted anyway," he said. However, she vowed to respond strongly to unfounded accusations and malicious comments. "I've seen comments like, 'You're the next Nancy Lang,' 'You're a fraud,' 'You're a woman, not a man,' and so on. I'm fine with that. I'm not worried because time will tell. But I don't want people I love and my family to get hurt," she said. "I am not a public figure and anything said about me is defamation. I will take legal action. I will respond strongly and to the end to all malicious comments," he said. "Hyunhee and Hai are more important to me than anyone else, and I have to protect them. I will do everything in my power to protect them," he said.

When asked why he decided to get married, he immediately replied, "Because I like them, because I love them." "We met around the time of Hyun-hee's divorce, so I know the whole process. My life is spectacular, and he has such a dynamic life. I felt like I wanted to take care of him," she said. "We originally planned to get married in October, but during the Hangzhou Asian Games, I also tried to fence in the fencing hall and injured my ankle ligaments, so we had to postpone it. We will get married in January of the new year," she said of her plans. "I first rode horses at a local equestrian center in Korea, and when I was 14, I started riding in Korea and traveled back and forth between Korea and the United States. I rode hard until I was 19, when an injury that tore the cartilage in my knee ended my career. At the age of 20, she started her own business as a boarding house, and since then, she has run a manners training center and worked for a global IT company. He also introduced his history, saying, "I'm still learning.

When asked what kind of life he would like to have with Nam Hyun-hee after marriage, he said, "The hardest part of meeting her after her divorce was that I couldn't express my love. It was also difficult to hold hands." "Nam Hyun-hee contributed to Korea by winning numerous medals for 26 years. She did her best in sports and it paid off, and she received a lot of attention. It's a worthy cause. But it's hard and upsetting to have your personal life criticized and judged just because you're a public figure. I hope that we can live a life where we look at each other, not how others see us, and live a life of respect, care, love, and support for each other." "I also want to raise Hai well, which is my biggest concern," he said. "I want to help fill the void of Hai's dad. There is no substitute for parents in the world. I want to play a role in filling that void," he added. The former representative was reluctant to disclose any information or background on the chaebol three. "There are business reasons, and there are a lot of people involved, so I'm being cautious. I plan to announce it at the end of December before the wedding," she said.